The purpose

To learn.

Every week, on Sunday, I will be posting a couple ideas about life and how to improve it. In that week I will be focusing on doing it and thinking about those ideas. On the next Sunday, I will post my thoughts about how things went and what you should do with it in life to improve your own life.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Week One, The Beginning

For the ages. As we come toward the end we find ourselves thinking of what we have done to impact everything we've encountered. On this road of life we think back on the people we pulled over to the side and picked up for a ride. Some of these people still remain in the car with us but others we have dropped off on the side of the road or to a destination they asked. Along this road there were also people with there thumbs up, in which we drove past without looking back, some, we did look back on. However we did not pick them up.

What makes you pull over and pick someone up? Is it so they can help you? So you can use them? Are they familiar to you? Or is it so you can help them?

Whenever you pull to the side you effect someone.

Proposal: Everybody you have a opportunity to pick up, do it. Help them while they are in the ride with you. If they want to leave, let them. Open up your doors to everyone.

Do this and you will be remembered for the ages.

1 comment:

Reflect said...

I think this is a good analogy about life. Like a road, life can go in different directions, depending on which path you wish to take. And, depending on which of those paths you took, you end up at a different destination. Of course there are going to be some positive and negative outcomes that go along with your choices. AND of course people should always be welcomed, not just to be known, but just to be a good person in general. =]